Our Therapies
All practitioners working at Concorde House Clinic are professionally qualified, insured and highly experienced. The services offered are listed below, along with the practitioners.
To find out more about a particular therapy or to make an appointment, please follow the links given under the relevant listing or contact us with any questions.
Acupuncture is very effective in treating a variety of conditions and disorders, both acute and chronic. It can be used alongside conventional medicine and other complementary therapies. A growing body of evidence-based clinical research shows that acupuncture safely treats a wide range of health problems.
Herbal Medicine
Chinese herbal medicine is one of the oldest continuous recorded medical systems in the world. It is effective for many conditions including immune issues, menstrual or fertility issues, respiratory or urinary infections, insomnia and other conditions which have not found relief with conventional medicine.
Alexander Technique
The Alexander Technique is a way of working on your body, giving it the self-sufficiency to move sustainably again; with a new ease, grace and comfort in all areas of life. During a session you will get a whole new perspective on sitting, walking, lifting, bending, speaking and more. The Technique experience is non-invasive and relaxing.
Counselling, Psychotherapy & Psychology
Therapy and counselling is an effective tool to help you deal with specific problems, cope with crises, improve your relationships, or develop better ways of living. Learn to explore your feelings and beliefs to develop resilience and healthy ways of relating to yourself and life’s challenges. Therapy can be short or long term.
Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral therapy is a gentle hands-on treatment which evolved from Osteopathy and takes a whole person approach to healing by reducing stress and tension within the body. Despite its gentle approach, it is a powerful therapy that affects the central nervous system to assist in improving function in the whole body.
Hypnotherapy, NLP & Reiki
Hypnotherapy is an effective treatment to address a variety of somatic and psychological symptoms. Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is about how to use your mind to help you get what you want in life. And Reiki is a unique system of energy healing, practised by transmitting spiritually guided life force, through the hands.
MLD, Shiatsu & Tu ina
We have qualified therapists offering a variety of bodywork techniques including Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD), Shiatsu and Tuina. These therapies offer effective relief for pain, stress, tension and also support the immune system and the body’s vital energy, improving overall health and wellbeing.
Sophrology is a therapeutic and life-balancing technique that incorporates gentle physical movements, breathing techniques and specific visualisations to relax the body, release tensions and help the mind to calm down and focus. It requires no special equipment, clothing or space so can be done anywhere and at any time.