Elizabeth Hartley


About Elizabeth

Elizabeth Hartley MSc, B.A. (Hons), Post Graduate Diploma in Psychotherapy, Counselling and Coaching for Women Integrative Psychotherapist.

Elizabeth is a qualified and experienced psychotherapist who has worked for many years within the field of domestic abuse. She has extensive knowledge in working with women who have experienced controlling, abusive relationships and may still be living with the emotional affects of that abuse. Her experience in this field brings a sharp focus to this counselling specialism, and she offers one-to-one sessions and group coaching (Freedom Program Facilitator). Elizabeth also offers a unique bio-feedback analysis as part of her work.

Biofeedback analysis was first used by NASA for the well-being of astronauts, then by elite athletes. It is now possible to measure, monitor and regulate our emotional state so that you can become more ‘coherent’ over time. With some coaching and regular practice of simple breath work and techniques you can bring your nervous system into ‘coherence’ (balance) for optimal functioning. One of the benefits of a ‘coherent’ state is relaxation which primes you for the inner work involved in psychotherapy and coaching. Other outcomes are that you feel in control and are able to think more clearly because your brain function is not being inhibited by the stress response and your immune system is not impaired by elevated levels of cortisol.