Shamanic Healing

Shamanic healing is the oldest healing tradition in the world, and it is still able to cure and heal today as it did for our ancestors. In our busy modern day society we have become detached from the earth and there is a separation between man/woman and nature. When this separation happens we become vulnerable to Illness, dis-ease, attracting intrusive energies and becoming blocked in life. Reconnecting brings balance and healing back to our life. As a shamanic healer I would look to confront these issues using Soul retrieval, power retrieval, spirit extraction and energy rebalancing, to bring my client back into balance with life. Shamanic healing is for any age, culture or race, it can be helpful in dealing with any of the following:-

  • Feeling like something is lost or missing
  • Relationship problems
  • Dealing with death and grief
  • Helping with hidden traumatic experiences
  • Lack of confidence
  • Finding some direction/focus in your life
  • Struggling with life's addictions food, alcohol, drugs
  • Dealing with depression - Dealing with Sexual abuse
  • Feeling stuck in a recurring pattern or Issue
  • Having chronic bad luck
  • Gaining more clarity
  • Dealing with physical dis-ease and pain
  • Generating more creativity

Western medicine only looks at the physical symptoms of illness and disease whereas shamanism looks at the whole body, mind and spirit to understand what has caused the clients suffering. The nature of this work is deep and uncovers the root of the issues, it is helpful therefore to have the courage and commitment to the journey needed to heal. A healing Session will normal last for two hours but sometimes will take longer depending on the person. Although one session is usually enough, a follow up session can be needed after a few months. To Integrate the healing further I often give special rituals and practices as a ongoing Healing relationship with yourself.

Soul Retrieval - Is about bringing parts of ourselves back that have been lost through life's experiences. When People say "I feel part of me is missing" or "I feel lost" they are talking about soul loss. Soul retrieval is powerful life changing work, it has the power to find the truth about yourself and make you feel whole again.

Power Retrieval - Is where power has been lost through stress, illness or the day to day wear and tear of life. In returning balance to the client the shaman enters into a state of dreaming and travels into the spirit world to find a power animal.
Spirit Extraction - Is removing negative or blocked energy from the subtle dreaming/energy body. It can also occur from unresolved issues, these old issues can leave us feeling blocked and heavy, especially on the many energy lines that run through our body. We can also attract entities when we have a particular wounding, this wounding leaves a weakness in our dreaming body, which is easy for negative energies to be attracted to.
Ancestral Healing - Involves healing your ancestral unresolved emotional issues. Returning to the ancestors we are able to heal the past to live more freely in the present.

Energy Re-balancing - Re-Balancing the energy body and chakra system to restore harmony and balance. The rigours of our day to day life can manifest as illness, discomfort and stress, leaving our system weak and unable to deal with the tensions and stresses of modern life.
Death and the Dead - If you are suffering from problems of letting go or feel your deceased are struggling to make it home, assisting and letting go of the dead is a deeply effective healing process for the departed and yourself.

What happens in a Shamanic Healing
In a Shamanic Healing we will have initial conversation about your intention and feelings around the healing. This is important for the spirits to hear what you have come for. Having a clear intention is highly conducive to get the most out of the shamanic healing. It would be advisable to spend some time thinking about your intention and to be clear on what you are coming for.

Shamanic Healing is done in a sacred safe space, everything that is disclosed is on a professional confidential level.
After the initial talk you will then lie down on comfortable cushions and sheep skins. This is where you will relax and let your mind wander with the sounds of the musical instruments, it is also good to not focus too much on what I am doing but more on your own feelings and thoughts. These insights can be powerful signs and messages for your healing.

I use many musical instruments such as drum, rattle, gong and singing bowl to name a few to aid in the healing. I will also use crystals and stones to place on your body and use on certain pressure points as well as my hands to send healing to you. It is also advisable for the first session to have a three hour healing. This gives time to be thorough in the healing process, and time for our dreaming bodies to meet each other. At the end of each session I may also recommended follow up treatments depending on the client and their Healing. It is best to wear loose comfortable clothing for your healing.

NB This Shamanic Healing Ceremony does not use the consumption of any Entheogens or any other psychoactive substances.

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